Welcome to the Mildura Aero Club Frequent Flyer Program
In an effort to reward participation in club activities, the Mildura Aero Club has implemented a ‘frequent flyer program’.
With various prizes including a Bose A30 headset, the program will allow members to accrue points by participating in various club activities.
The program will commence on 1st July, 2024 and run annually.
MAC plans four flying activities per year with destinations that are accessible for the majority of members, given time and aircraft constraints.
The point to point distance of the published flight plan is to be counted as Frequent Flyer Points at one per nautical mile and credited to the pilot and any members that accompany.
To ensure those that do not have the time to participate in fly aways, bonus points can be earned by getting involved in club activities on the ground, such as assisting with the air show, attending meetings, organising an event, or assisting behind the bar.
Points will be counted in a spreadsheet administered by the committee. The top 3 points earners will be awarded prizes.
Proposed Fly Aways
Date | Destination | Points |
17/8/2024 | Hillston NSW | 354 |
23/11/2024 | Clare Valley | 356 |
22/3/2025 | Kingston SE | 388 |
21/6/2025 | Tocumwal | 396 |
Bonus Points for Ground Activities
Activity | Points Associated |
Attending general meetings | 70 |
Taking the lead and co-ordinating a club event. The club is open to suggestions for new events | 100 |
Working the bar at nominated club events | 50 |
Hosting visiting groups (scouts, other clubs etc) | 100 |
Successful funding applications | 200 |
Attendance at working bees | 100 |
Other participation Activities | Committee Discretion |
So, get involved to win some awesome prizes. If you have an idea on a club activity, please feel free to raise it at the meetings.
We look forward to seeing you involved.